We Bring The Gallery To Your Home

Your Fairytale
Starts Right Here

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale

Amosa wedding gallery

“We Bring Gallery To Your Home”
Tidak perlu lagi membuang waktu untuk menemukan Baju Pengantin yang kamu inginkan

The Story
Of Amosa
Home Service

Berawal dari kegelisahan calon pengantin yang harus meluangkan banyak waktu mereka untuk berkunjung ke Wedding Gallery, disini AMOSA menawarkan solusi terbaik yaitu Fitting Home Service.

Nikmati kenyamanan dalam mencoba koleksi Amosa Wedding Gallery di rumahmu

” We Bring The Gallery Into Your Home

Amosa MuA

Natural & Flawless Make Up For Your Perfect Intimate Wedding

Skin Like Make Up Artist

Intan Sacharesa

Natural Make Up Artist

Pricing Plans


Make Up & Hair/Hijab Do
Akad Only
Sepasang Baju Akad
Free SoftLens
Free Fake Nails

IDR 8.500k


Make Up & Hair/Hijab Do
Akad & Resepsi
Sepasang Baju Akad Resepsi
Free SoftLens
Free Fake Nails

IDR 11.000k


Make Up & Hair/Hijab Do
Akad & Resepsi
Make Up & Hijab/Hijab Ibu
Make Up & Hijab/Hijab Pager Ayu
Sepasang Baju Akad Resepsi
Baju 2 Ibu & 2 Bapak
Baju 2 Pager Ayu & Bagus
Free SoftLens
Free Fake Nails

IDR 13.000k

Let’s talk about your Dream Wedding

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